I wouldn't say it excuses it, but rather it explains it. People (Men, really) who frequent a website aimed at NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), recluses, loners, etc. A site that in their own words: "This site is Wizardchan, an anonymous community for male virgins."[1], and where they have specific "rankings" based on how much of a virgin you are (KV - kissless virgin, HV - hugless virgin, HHV - Handholdless virgin), and "wizard" status based on age, with your level being your age when you were still a virgin - a site where you can get banned for making posts about romantic/sexual activities, social activities, or even just alluding to the fact that you have had sex[2].
I don't think it's too much of a stretch to suggest that these people have some serious problems with women.
I also think that the article kind of tries to depict this thing as the norm in the gaming community. But, wizardchan users are not really representative of the gaming community as a whole. Yes, it sucks that she received this abuse from these people who have psychological issues, or other mental health problems (let's not forget the screenshot is from their board dedicated to personal depression), but you can't judge the whole gaming community based off the actions of this community.
Now granted, there are a lot of problems with the gaming community in general, but using wizardchan's warped perspective userbase is a very poor example.
I think those users are suffering from some serious psychological problems, and need help. And I don't think shaming them about their actions is enough to get them to stop. These people already have no social activity, no romantic partners, and have never even had sex, and for this they place the blame on society, but more specifically on women. Whatever their actions of statements about women in general should be viewed with that in mind, and I don't think there's any way of getting through to them.