Reminds me of a script I wrote when a site based in China cloned our entire domain and put it up at a new URL, complete with clumsily photoshopped logos. They left a single stray call to our ad server, though, and I was able to "hack in" and randomly flash a "This site is stolen!" message or insert an auto-playing Youtube clip of my choice.
This is happening because all numbers in JavaScript are IEEE 754 [0] double. +/-infinite may be returned for finite, non zero number divided by zero. This is also common behavior in many other languages with support for IEEE 754 floats, from the top of my head: JVM, .NET languages and Haskell do so too.
Why is that awful? JSON is not JavaScript. The string encoded value of the integer 1 is not a IEEE754 numeric either - it's just the character 1. In modern usage: JSON is to JavaScript as JavaScript is to Java.
It's awful because you would expect a network encoding of a set of types to be able to encode all the valid values of those types. If you claim that your encoding can represent floats, but it can't represent Infinity or NaN, then your encoding cannot, in fact, represent floats.
See - it is very cleary defined. *It's a string notation for a number. Don't get hung up on the implementations of floats or integers - it's irrelevant!
> In modern usage: JSON is to JavaScript as JavaScript is to Java.
This is totally wrong. Javascript has nothing whatsoever to do with Java. It only has a few very superficial syntactical similarities (curly brackets, semi-colon at the end of each line, and that awful 'new' keyword). JSON, on the other hand, stands for "Javascript Object Notation", and can be interpreted as Javascript (with 'eval'). It's explicitly meant for storing and transmitting javascript data, so when there's a javascript data value that is not supported by JSON, that is absolutely relevant.
In modern usage, you don't eval it. In modern usage is used for far more that just "javascript" applications.
Of the four letters in the acryonym, the "J" is the least significant. Yes, it's javascript-y, but that's it. So many misunderstandings come from focusing on the "J". So, as JavaScript has basically nothing to do with Java (aside from superficial syntax similarities) so does JSON to JavaScript, for the same reasons. This "JSON is a subset of JavaScript" is just not true - at best it's "inspired by and interoperable with".
No, Javascript has far, far less to do with Java than with JSON. JSON is legal javascript. Ever heard of jsonp?
Java, on the other hand, is a totally different language. Any similarities are superficial and exist primarily for PR reasons. You can't pretend javascript is legal Java or vice versa. But JSON is totally legal javascript. That is exactly how you can declare objects in javascript. The name JSON fits the bill perfectly: it is the javascript object notation.
Except it's not, which is part of the reason this sub thread started. JSON encoded numbers are not IEEE754 floats either. And JSONP is purely a convenient hack around browser security issues only, again it has noting to do with JSON as a format.
You can argue the specifics,, but you miss the point that the claim that "JSON is JavaScript" is false and leads to tricky edge cases when the assumption breaks down.
> And JSONP is purely a convenient hack around browser security issues only, again it has noting to do with JSON as a format.
It gets around those browser security issues by having the JSON wrapped in a function call and interpreted as javascript. I've never heard of a server converting all the values for JSONP.
There are absolutely edge cases, and those are important to note, exactly because outside those edge cases JSON is valid javascript. Claiming that they are totally completely unrelated (like javascript and Java) is false.
I stand corrected; I am not that familiar with python. Though I remember reading somewhere that JSON can be evaled in both JS and Python. Perhaps the python bit is not true.
Oddly, there's actually no language that I know of that has NaN and Infinity constants. Many languages pretty-print those float values that way, but none of the parsers can interpret them back in. you mean other than JavaScript? They're not actually parser-level constants, they're just defined as globals/on the window object, but they work.
Now that we've all had a laugh, wouldn't it make more sense to have the server respond with a redirect to a shared copy of the script hosted somewhere that provides bandwidth for free? (Perhaps this is a sign that the script should be open-sourced as well.)
I know someone who had, of all people, Facebook hot-linking to his stuff. He redirected all visitors to his homepage. Then Facebook's legal department called his home number, his wife answered and got nervous, and it all ended there.
Interesting! I personally would have loved to have a chat with Facebook's legal team about the issue. Although I'm a bit surprised they'd actually call him instead of either a) not hotlinking anymore (seems to be the most obvious solution) or b) just sending a quick C&D.
I'd be surprised if they actually have a leg to stand on legally if they are hotlinking off someone's site, especially if there's have no prior agreement to allow them to do so.
Sounds fishy. It would take days for any kind of legal action like this. Doesn't FB push code like every couple of hours? A code patch would have been many times quicker.
If you added a `Math.random() < .01` in the if clause, I doubt they'd ever even notice, and depending on how much traffic they get you could have a nice steady flow of referrals =].
But bandwidth isn't free. Someone's gotta pay for it in some way or another, and if a major company lets say is using your hosted copy without asking, then perhaps they should host their own?
The non-minified source is pretty self-explanatory. It modifies a lot of the standard javascript functions. My favorite is the document.write(element) is modified to surround the element with <marquee> and <blink> tags and then write that to the DOM.
To an extent, yes. I already looked at the source. But it just says to include evil.js on my site. How is that protecting my site from bandwidth thieves? Won't it also screw up my own site's functions?
I've had experience where someone doesn't just hotlink a resource, but they "clone" it, and replace our ads with their ads. Assuming evil.js works by detecting host names, this would help prevent that.