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All models are wrong. Some are useful.

You're confusing the model with reality. The classification system is simply a model that describes many things correctly, and many other things incorrectly. If you feel that there is inherent truth of the idea, then that probably means that it's a really good model. But it's still just a model.

For example, you said that a human ISA primate. But that's only in the model. Outside of the model, there is no such thing as a primate. Reality is far more complicated, and "human ISA primate" misses many corner cases. You also said we literally share implementation, which, again, may be useful but isn't quite true, whether one is talking about DNA, epigenetics, or macroscopic properties.

But that's okay -- it's still a good model, because it's useful and simple and easy to understand and works much of the time. We just have to be careful not to forget its limitations and applicability.

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