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"Only, the real world doesn’t work that way. It really doesn’t work that way. In morphology, for example, we have penguins, birds that swim. And the bat, a mammal that flies."

Yes but we have Single Responsibility Principle and while an animal is one object in physical world, it doesn't mean it should be a single object in OOP. Start breaking it down...

public interface BodyType {}

public class TwoArmsTwoLegs implements BodyType {}

public class FourLegs implements BodyType {}

public interface Locomotion<B extends BodyType> { void walk(B body); }

public class BipedWalk implements Locomotion<TwoArmsTwoLegs> { public void walk(TwoArmsTwoLegs body) {} }

public class Slither implements Locomotion<NoLimbs> { public void walk(NoLimbs body) {} }

public class Animal { BodyType body; Locomotion locomotion; }

Animal human = new Animal(new TwoArmsTwoLegs(), new BipedWalk());

(Code sample from an article in Software Development Journal by Łukasz Baran)

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