How about you downvoters actually provide some kind of reasoned response telling me why I'm wrong, instead of just blind downvoting? Or are we so wrapped up in celebrity worship now, that you can't disagree with a YC partner without being downvoted to hell?
Seriously, if somebody can provide me any actual evidence that you can conclude anything meaningful about someone's level of commitment from one data-point, I'll happily eat crow. Until then, as far as I'm concerned, all of this "coming to CA equates to commitment" stuff is just hand-waving.
I didn't downvote you, but as someone who did a pretty arduous company from almost-zero-in-bank-account to acquisition without taking a dime of funding: spend time with your friends and family. You're going to look back and see that over the long run, any time you that shortchanged from them didn't actually contribute to your success.
spend time with your friends and family. You're going to look back and see that over the long run, any time you that shortchanged from them didn't actually contribute to your success.
Yeah, you're probably right. And don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't spend any time with friends and family. (I do engage in a bit of hyperbole from time to time). But I have made a conscious choice to focus the majority of my energy on a particular path for the time being, in the hopes of achieving some things that are important to me.
Unfortunately, because I take the piss out of people and joke and exaggerate a lot, many people on HN probably think that my only motivation really is to drive a Maserati and have a 6' tall redheaded supermodel with a Scottish accent for a girlfriend.
Finding the right balance is tough, and like too many things in life, these situations are things where you don't get many (if any) "dry runs". You're learning on the fly as you go, hoping for the best outcome while being fully aware that you might be fucking the whole thing up. :-)
Ah well, that's what makes things interesting, I guess!
Seriously, if somebody can provide me any actual evidence that you can conclude anything meaningful about someone's level of commitment from one data-point, I'll happily eat crow. Until then, as far as I'm concerned, all of this "coming to CA equates to commitment" stuff is just hand-waving.