Yeah, Facebook is one of the few major tech companies who can buy Oculus and let them operate independently, since they don't have a stake in anything much related to gaming or VR. This means they are one of the companies least likely to screw with the Oculus vision, and I see that as a very good thing for virtual reality.
Eh, there's nothing inherent in the metaverse concept that means it must exist in an FB-style walled garden. Even if it starts out there, if it turns out to be of benefit to humans, eventually the walls will get routed around. FB know this, and intend to recoup their investment in the medium term.
The social network hasn't been routed around yet. And yet there's still something hollow about having everything you do shared with everyone you know that leads people to give their most bland, crowd pleasing personality to the crowd.
I was hoping for something more personal out of Oculus. Something I wouldn't have to think about sharing with my great aunts and the wider public via the NSA