"Campaigners say that the Rome government receives around 71 billion euros each year in tax from Venice - some 21 billion euros less than it gets back in investment and services." [0]
There does appear to be significant economical imbalance, however it would take blood being spilled before powers that be would let any kind of secession stand.
> it would take blood being spilled before powers that be would let any kind of secession stand.
It's difficult to understand what blood would be spilled within the EU. The UN constitutionally stands for the right to self-determination and that needs to be respected.
For now, that's difficult within the EU is because several states are in danger of losing their integrity: UK, Spain, Belgium, Italy, perhaps even Germany. No country wants to let the others split up because of the potential consequences for themselves, so they make political statements supporting the others (but not more than statements).
In the end, one properly official referendum falling on this side will force some fair rules of secession to be drawn up: I don't see any option but to respect these movements.
Given California gets about $0.80 per $1 of taxes sent to the Federal government back in terms of Federal spending, I can understand the Venetians in this desire.
I mean this in the most generous possible way: good luck and please go. One of the best possible outcomes for all Americans and humans would be the the breakup of the USA as it currently exists. California could probably get that party started in the best possible way.
As a native Californian, I'd love to break from the union more than the idiotic "6 Californias" currently scheduled for the next election. Yes there are differences in the state, but as a whole it is way more suited to be self sustaining than a lot of states sucking on the Federal largess.
"Six Californias" isn't scheduled for any election, its approved to begin gathering signatures for a petition to put it on the ballot -- and it would be on the ballot the election after next if it gets enough signatures.
You can't change the California state borders without getting the affected states' legislatures to also ratify the change, as well as Congress. Simply splitting California up would also require action by their legislature in addition to approval by Congress.
There does appear to be significant economical imbalance, however it would take blood being spilled before powers that be would let any kind of secession stand.
[0] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2586531/Venice-votes...