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Team Apart (YC S08) hits the right price for collaboration: $0.00 (venturebeat.com)
64 points by whather on Aug 6, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

Hey guys, I have 50 invites for hacker news. First come, first serve: http://teamapart.com/signup/hackernews

Any chance you could throw us a couple more? They're all used up.

How about if I promise to give constructive feedback? :-)

No possibility of getting a "hackernews3"?

Some of us are timezone-impaired :)

Thanks, the use of a red * is normally used to denote a required field on signup.

Your list of required fields and the order missing fields are displayed are not identical.

Username can't be blank. Last name can't be blank. Password can't be blank. Email can't be blank. First name can't be blank

Thanks Retric. I agree, I think we should be more specific on which fields are required. We'll also fix the ordering of the errors.

This is a very impressive product. Congratulations. I had my small team in a room within 2 minutes. One question: Is there a way to clear history? The things we posted got a bit out of hand and I'd like to know if this image can be removed so I dont have to see it in my feed :P

Thanks Karan! Yeah I also think there should be a "clear history" button. Would you also want the ability to clear on a per feed item basis?

That would be ideal, but even a way to delete individual items and/or entire history is fine.

Simplest solution is clear all.

Best solution (imo), is a gmail style checkbox selector (select: filter1[], filter2[], filter3[], etc) [CLEAR] which selects multiple checkboxes

Keep up the great work!

whather, I am not sure if you can get into the details of your technology, but does your service use Adobe’s Real Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP)? Is that the reason you can provide a free service?

Yes, we do support RTMFP for Flash 10 clients and we've been very happy with the performance as well as the cheaper server costs. We plan on having a paid, premium account later on.

As someone who beta tested this numerous times, I can tell you this is some ridiculously slick virtual meeting software. It reminds me of the Microsoft Surface a bit, the way you can manipulate stuff in and out of focus and so on. Very cool stuff.

Thanks for all your testing Tom. Appreciate it!

Ok. So we've had Thinkature, Yvew, Dabbleboard, dimdim..etc..etc and a bunch of others. Did any one of them really make MONEY after webEX was sold? So whats so different about this one besides a nicer interface?

That being said, Congrats on the execution, its a very nicely done flex app. However, you might want to set



for the itemRenderers of the HList of your Camera chooser page, because on my mac, the Label control overflows and cauese the scrollbars to popup.

Good luck guys!

Dabbleboard is making money, just with the whiteboard. And we started well after WebEx was sold; thankfully WebEx doesn't care about the whiteboard.

We're working on a broader solution that'll compete more with the likes of WebEx (coincidentally our focus -like TeamApart- is also on 'few-to-few' rather than 'one-to-many'). To differentiate, we're considering adding more Asynchronous collaboration features (inspired mostly by wikis and less so by Google Wave).

We're not up against WebEx (at least Twiddla isn't). They can't hang in the quick & easy department, which it seems is the area this thing is targeting too.

And yeah, we're making money. Maybe not MONEY, but money, which is all I really need.

Thanks for the heads up on the scrollbars, I'll fix this.

Just a heads-up to anybody who's using this and is running PeerGuardian: they don't play nice together: the initial connection to a workspace is extremely slow and works maybe 1/5 of the time.

And also, don't be stupid like me and figure that ending the PeerGuardian process stops it from filtering your connection. :-)

Anybody have experience with this? Does PeerGuardian just not like RTMP? Or is it something about certain AWS IPs?

I have to say I really like this, very pleasantly lightweight. When you have a tutorial, you might want to make clear that minimizing does the role of controlling whats maximized rather than whats visible. What are the synchronization etc constraints on collaborative simulataneous white board or notepad editing?

Thanks Carter!

I agree the minimize, maximize and close buttons are a little confusing. We plan on making another pass on the layout code soon.

What market are you guys trying to target? Enterprise?

The workspace did not load for me on Chrome or IE7 from my corporate computer. (Blue bar loaded the whole way and then did not render any changes). I don't know if you guys are using any nonstandard ports but if you are then just know lots of corporations block off ports.

Joez send me an email at wes@teamapart.com and I'll try and help you sort it out.

FYI-- same results here FF3.5 OSX behind corporate firewall. Interesting side effect of resizing the window is that I can see and interact with the little chat widget in the bottom right of the screen.

Okay yeah you must have the RTMP port blocked on your firewall. The actual session container loaded but you're not connected to it. We'll try to see what we can do about the firewall issue.

I like the service a lot. Any plans for an undo feature? That is a fairly essential feature. Maybe have it configurable so that the undo history can be shared or it is per user.

Yeah I think undo/redo functionality would be super helpful. I believe it would be more intuitive to have it per user instead of shared.

This reminds me of Adobe Connect in terms of the UI, but way slicker and doesn't have Connect's outrageous enterprisy pricing. Nice.

You're the guys behind meetcast right? meetcast.com is 404'ing right now. You should probably do a 301.

Yeah we are. Thanks for the heads up, we'll forward to teamapart.com.

Really love the layout of your marketing website. It is beautifully simple. I'm taking notes!

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