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From these bags of tricks, we can learn a lot about, if not AI, at least humans. My favorite example in that category is MGonz [1]:

    "In 1989 MGonz was able to fool a human subject for over an hour [...]
    MGonz worked on a simple principle: don’t reply to statements. Merely
    insult the person making the statement. Most of MGonz’s one-liners are
    too profane to repeat – but “ah, type something interesting or shut-up”,
    “what sort of idiot types something like that”, and “that’s it, I’m not
    talking to you anymore!” are fairly representative of the style. The
    programme simply pours a torrent of abuse on the unwitting human at the
    other end of the internet connection."
[1] http://www.saintsandsceptics.org/the-mgonz-test/

Someone should create a reddit bot and see if anyone at all notices that it's a bot.

There are novelty accounts that only provide praise, so perhaps a nice version could also be created too.

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