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Since a TED talk is not interactive, what does that even mean? My TI-99/4A with Speech Synthesizer could give a TED talk.

Here's the procedure I followed:

1. Pick two keywords that describe this event. "TED" and "XPrize" seem like good candidates since they (together) identify this.

2. Go to Google (in a private browsing window, if you wish non-bubble results) and type in these keywords together. Here is an example URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=TED+Xprize . Order is irrelevant so long as phrases are maintained as phrases.

3. Click the first non-ad result: http://www.xprize.org/ted

4. Observe that the page says that the rules are not yet set in stone but that a 'sample' exists: http://www.xprize.org/ted-rules

5. Follow that link to reach a page which says that "...the competing A.I. is given 30 minutes to prepare a compelling 3 min TED Talk" once it receives a subject.

The conclusion is the following:

The AI must actually construct the TED Talk, i.e. the words of the TED Talk must be programmatically constructed given a topic.

This being the case, I doubt your TI-99/4A would deliver a performance compelling enough to stand and applaud. While I'm sure you searched before asking the question, I hope that this guide helped you construct your search for information better.

Yes, thank you for Googling that for me. I think it's better to include at least some of those facts in the article, though.

Ha ha, certainly, that would have been nice. I'm disappointed that I didn't even draw a chuckle. After all, I'm a human posting a mechanical sounding comment on a thread about machines speaking like humans.

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