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A number of comments here are pointing out the considerable barriers to migration away from Microsoft based systems; back end systems; file compatibility with MS Office formats; training needs for significantly different interfaces on a 'desktop' system.

The UK govts recent suggestion that we require open formats may begin to address one of those issues [1]. The move to more recent browser mediated applications might mitigate another. A new generation will have grown up with devices that probably don't run Windows [2] and that might reduce the training issues associated with UI changes.

Can I turn the question round: how many decades do we think that the default systems for large enterprises and governments will be provided by Microsoft?

And if a country as huge as India with a developed IT workforce of the kind India has decides to start a migration programme, the resulting pool of skilled people and working software (GPL Licensed software) would make future migrations that much easier. I personally wish the UK had a Munich or two simply so we can develop the skills here.

[1] http://opensource.com/government/14/2/uk-government-open-sta...

[2] http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2014/03/21/microsoft_sorgen...

There have actually been quite a few public organizations that have migrated to Linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_adopters

Ctrl-F and UK reveals no UK based examples on that pager. Alas. Once again, we risk missing out on a potential new market.

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