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Remember when a chorus said hiding comment scores would be the end of HN?

Comment scores are actually irrelevant.

The relative score is all that matters, and a comment's position on the page tells you all you need to know.

Rank is only apparent when a comment has siblings. When two people are having a reply-to-reply back-and-forth debate, I'm usually left very curious to which side HN agrees with.

personally, i'd rather that be unknown to avoid encouraging hive-mindedness.

It just occurred to me that it'd actually be nice to display scores on threads when they become archived--in other words, when knowing the score can no longer encourage you to upvote.

To me, there is a major difference between this:

  --comment A (1000 karma)
  --comment B (2 karma)
  --comment C (1 karma)
and this:

  --comment A (1000 karma)
  --comment B (999 karma)
  --comment C (1 karma)
Consider if A and B have opposing opinions.

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