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Ask HN: What's a good, intermediate-level JS book?
10 points by _rjlt on March 20, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

+1 for the Eloquent book. Has a very nice section on functional programming. Plus, in my opinion, some of the best typesetting I've seen in a technical book.

I also learnt a good deal from Stoyan Stefanov's book "Objected-Oriented Javascript", for example closures. I don't know why the book had to have that title, maybe to attract Java/C# developers.

Prototypical inheritance is covered in both Eloquent and OOJ.

Here is a nice article on the topic: http://beej.us/blog/data/javascript-prototypes-inheritance/

Read more such articles, easier than starting a book.

I'd recommend Eloquent JavaScript. There's also a discussion here on a few books: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7434720

As the author of Underhanded JavaScript, I must definitely recommend Eloquent JavaScript and JavaScript Design Patterns. The latter is quite important because the design patterns that Addy talks about actually does patch up a lot of rough spots of JS.

And of course, JavaScript the Good Parts is a must. Trust me, go back and re-read JS:TGP, see how much you missed. I re-read it from time to time and always find new stuff.

Axel's Speaking JavaScript is pretty good too, and I read his blog, so quality is quite high.

But hey, gotta plug my book, so buy Underhanded JavaScript! Why buy it? Because I list some of the most common pitfalls people fall into when writing JavaScript code, as well as the nastier parts of JavaScript, for when you're in a bad mood and feel like thrashing the production server. I'll even show you how you can enable simple DoS via RegExp.

EDIT: here's the link with HN coupon. Price was randomly generated between $12.25 and $19.77


I enjoyed the depth that "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja" went into. It was written by John Resig, the author of JQuery.

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