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ASM is not made to be read by humans but by computers.

Actually, Assembly is sometimes called Mnemonic Assembly. Mnemonic roughly means "a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something." Assembly was developed to help humans write machine code more easily. It is machine code that is not for humans. Assembly certainly is. (Although, as a historical note, humans have often written raw machine code in a number ways, including toggling it in via switches)

Modern assembly less and less so, but it definitively was originally intended for humans, and for quite some time a lot of fairly substantial programs were handwritten in assembly.

When I was in my teens I even occasionally resorted to compling C code and disassembling it to work with it, because I preferred M68k assembly to the C source, and the C compilers of the time were horribly inefficient - I could often delete pointless lines and reassign registers etc. almost as fast as I could read the code...

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