On a quick read, the article doesn't talk about the licensing for the free fonts. Several free fonts I've liked are free for personal projects or websites, but are chargeable for commercial projects - and one should be careful about selecting them.
Secondly, fonts are very easy to pirate. The commerical fonts (eg. TypeKit fonts) can be copied and reused with a bit of HTML+CSS knowledge. Anyone know of a way to enforce the font licenses?
Font piracy is one of the oldest forms of piracy around. Enforcing font licenses in any form is pretty much futile.
Of course, you could always scramble the glyphs and then do an inverse scramble on the page (seriously though, don't do that unless you hate your users).
All of the fonts featured in the article are free for personal and commercial use. And yeah font piracy is a pretty big issue. I'm sure Proxima Nova is one of the most pirated fonts in the world. I see it on websites everywhere and I have a hard time believing every site actually purchased a license...
Secondly, fonts are very easy to pirate. The commerical fonts (eg. TypeKit fonts) can be copied and reused with a bit of HTML+CSS knowledge. Anyone know of a way to enforce the font licenses?