Hey, no problem. I'm going through my comments, and just now saw you replied almost a month ago.
I just wanted to say, get in there and start doing it. I honestly think that, to a point, I'm at an advantage. I've had so much work experience outside of coding, that my context for interacting with people seems to work in my favor. I'm also just super glad to have a programming job. Mix a (hopefully) more level head, with an exuberance for the job, and I think I put across a pretty good image.
If I can throw some suggestions out there, listen to every episode of software engineering radio. The other books I mentioned are great, but SE radio is nice in that you can just casually listen to it while you're commuting or whatever else. I listened to it when I had barely done any coding and I think it lent a lot of perspective to what I was doing. I still run into random situations where someone says something like "do you know anything about AS400?" and I'll say, "well, not really, but I have a general context as far as the ibm i series os goes, and some of the general ideas behind it. I could probably pick up material and get going." It's not much, but being familiar enough with a ton of random stuff has given me credibility in a lot of situations I wouldn't have had before.
I also relisten to them a lot, and get new tidbits because I didn't understand bits and pieces before.
I hope this doesn't sound preachy. I think our culture pushes this idea of the talented hacker, or the person that started x or y when they were five. That's great, but man, screw that. I don't plan on stopping learning until my brain doesn't work, and I'm going to use that to my advantage.
No, I didn't. Sorry, I only just noticed my comment had been replied to.