> calling things which are not really racism racism only dilutes actual racism and victims of racism.
I don't know your racial category, but people of color frequently mention how white people aggressively like to redefine racism so it doesn't include their own racism. This particular argument is common among them. Because after all, racism is one of those -isms which are a fundamental part of many cultures (like the US).
> I don't know your racial category, but people of color frequently mention how white people aggressively like to redefine racism so it doesn't include their own racism.
And white people do the same thing about people of color, pointing to the not-infrequently-made redefinition of racism that anyone who isn't in the currently-dominant race cannot, ipso facto, be "racist" [1].
The fact that people of all races can point to self-serving and ridiculous attempts from people of other races to redefine their own racism as "not racism" does not, however, make the very idea that the term must have some boundaries to be useful invalid.
That's really interesting, I'd never heard of this before. Can you give us an example you've heard of a redefinition of racism that would exclude whites from being racist?
Basically, people like to redefine racism to exclude everything less bad than the KKK and actual lynchings. A couple favorites from Reddit in particular:
"It's just a joke." - In defense of the slew of racist jokes that appear every time a POC is mentioned or seen.
"I don't hate black people, I hate black culture." - Every time a POC does something bad, or merely annoying. Mysteriously, nobody hates white culture.
I don't know your racial category, but people of color frequently mention how white people aggressively like to redefine racism so it doesn't include their own racism. This particular argument is common among them. Because after all, racism is one of those -isms which are a fundamental part of many cultures (like the US).