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What if certificates and SSL weren't guaranteed to work properly "on cold boot" and the industry expected OS implementers to know this and take appropriate steps to "do it right?" This wouldn't make any sense at all. Yet CSPRNG are pretty foundational to cryptographic tools across the board, and the programming field seems to have this kind of hair-shirted attitude about it.

We as a technical community and we as a society need to start using the same stances and strategies that governments and agencies like the NTSB use to prevent accidents. When planes crashed in the wooly pioneering days of aviation, people probably stood around sadly tsk-tsking someone's failure to recognize a stall. Today, the NTSB conducts root cause analyses and the industry takes concrete steps to prevent future mishaps. (Like equipment that detects stall and warns the pilot.)

In this case, why don't we simply have classes of devices that are expected to implement crypto for end-users, and require them to be built with generous entropy pools? (To head-off the expected smart-asses: Each one gets their own unique one, of course.)

(EDIT: An analogy: What if you knew that pilots all had conflicting opinions on how to fly and maintain a plane, with constant acrimonious debates, and where some large swathe of all pilots simply were operating on misinformation? Would you fly? Would you expect lots more crashes? Now ask yourself what the situation is like with computer security, where knowledgeable people expect security to always be broken.)

> In this case, why don't we simply have classes of devices that are expected to implement crypto for end-users, and require them to be built with generous entropy pools?

Intel added a generous entropy source to their processors. The result is that nobody trusts it as a single entropy source, and /dev/random blocks anyway. Also, we are learning that using it only as an added source may also be harmful, and maybe we should ignore it completely.

I don't think this'll have any simple solution, although the idea of a CSPRNG that may block only at boot is interesting.

There's no problem with combining non-entropic (or even malicious!) sources of entropy into an entropy pool. As long as some (and enough) of the input is unpredictable to an attacker, they can't predict any outputs of the system.

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