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But in the design of XML this was already acknowledged.

That's why there is the distinction between well-formed and valid XML documents. Only with valid XML documents there is a schema attached that will describe these nodes with the type attribute. And because it is extendable, these types can be anything but they will be automatically validated by the parser.

JSON OTOH doesn't have this extensibility. There are a couple of predefined types but if you need to go beyond them (and this happens all the time because JSON doesn't even define a date type!) any interpretation is up to the parsing program and this can vary tremendously (again, look at the handling of dates and for example the questions on stackoverflow about them).

Only with valid XML documents there is a schema attached that will describe these nodes with the type attribute.


What's the issue?

It's still a draft (and if I may nit-pick, an expired draft).

It only has "complete structural validation". Which means it doesn't feature custom types.

Although it adds a workaround for the date issue by adding a handful of supported sub-types (http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#an...)

It is far from what validation XML Schemas offer.

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