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As an interesting (as in "odd") exercise, go to the root node of the blog (http://angloaustria.blogspot.com/) and notice the phrase "Curse of Maturin Towers".

After asking yourself "WTF does that mean?", do a Google search for the aforementioned phrase (http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Curse+of+Maturin+Towers); hmm, no useful results (that is, we could not find a definition).

Now do a Google search for "Maturin Towers" as an exact phrase (http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Maturin+Towers) and notice we have 300+ hits for a rather odd exact phrase; all of which point to, or are directly related to, the AngloAustria blog (http://angloaustria.blogspot.com/).

Could this be an well crafted SEO blog designed to tell people what they want to hear?

Well, the blog is authored by one 'Jack Maturin'. And referring to one's residence as '(Lastname) Towers' is a popular comic trope among Brits. 'Curse of Maturin Towers' has all the romance and implied danger of a Sherlock Holmes story, but stems from his rueful discovery that a confident prediction has turned out completely wrong shortly after he made it.

An American would mention Murphy's Law, without meaning to imply there was ever a legislator named Murphy who went around causing things to fail.

That sounds more like a Goolgewack (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googlewhack) than good SEO. How would a blog benefit from using a keyword no one searches for?

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