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Really does seem like these guys are a day late and a dollar short.

So far the list out the added value over fontawesome I can see is:

- Multiple colors

The number of details decrease when the screen gets smaller, this is new.

New and pretty underwhelming

You haven't looked very closely.

hey please feel free to add to the list if I'm missing something. I don't want to prematurely judge them, no one benefits from that really -- if you know something I don't, educate me


The biggest difference I see is that one is attempting to provide a full-featured solution and one is just a web font (albeit a really great one!).

The colors thing is...whatever. The thing that gets me excited about a solution like Iconic is that it seems like they're trying to target the web component/polymer cats (whether or not they succeed is just anecdotal from me - check it out for yourself!).

By this what I mean is they've rolled in literal states to many of the glyph collections. I think the login/logout icons are a really nice example of this (https://useiconic.com/icons/account/). Many of the people complaining that there is a reliance on JS I think don't really understand what's happening here. They're pre-packaging baked-in methods (in this case, setState) that you can roll into your login/logout functions. They're even (kind of, sort of), in-lining ARIA states to make these "buttons" (spans, really) readily accessible. Personally I would have taken it a step further and implemented proper ARIA button roles, but hey, it's still new!

The important take away for me is that, while I will never use this, I'm excited that we're starting to see packages that are more than just a collection of icon sets. Web components is still very "I can't wait!" to front-end, and this seems to bring it closer to reality.

Or maybe I just like the name.

Oh yeah, I REALLY liked what I saw when I looked into polymer. It looks like a radical shift in web dev that could actually happen, and would be amazing for reusability, and a whole lot of other things.

Hmnn so from what you said I gather that the items are:

- Trying to solve "I want to convey implicitly held information through images" rather than "I need some icons" - Colors are cool

Yeah, specific line items would be:

- Icon specific JS methods for state switching

- Delivery of detail-specific icons based on context

- Proper back-filling for accessibility (they're trying, at least!)

Edit: Lists...

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