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I hadn't seen this article... and it's actually quite surprising seeing as every other mention of this issue seems to say women aren't treated fairly in this industry and are belittled by their peers and paid half as much.

If you've seen it, ignore it.

>belittled by their peers and paid half as much

That is rarely said because those of us working know it's not true. We're just concerned for the low gender ratio. I haven't felt belittled for years (mostly due to older men retiring).

Nice ageist stereotype. But that's alright for you to do right?

If it's her personal experience, then yes, she can say that.

Never has someone my age or younger thought it was in any way appropriate to call me 'dear' or 'precious' or 'love' or 'oh my, you are clever!'. Happens all the time with older men (60's and up if I were to guess) and if you aren't one of them then I really appreciate it.

Having said that it is fairly common for the British to call me, as a complete stranger, 'love'. While it might be cultural I don't know if there is an equivalent for women to men?

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