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Corollary: should Computer scientists study biology? Yes

Agreed! If you can get your hands on a copy of a university level textbook in genetics that will be some of the best time you could invest in learning something about another field unrelated to the one you are currently in.

From the 10,000 foot level I think it is related, and will become more and more related as time goes by. DNA seems to be a pretty robust information encoding and executing system. There's a lot we could learn from it.


The first time I read what a ribosome does my immediate thought was CPU/Turing machine. There are so many analogies it is scary.

Nano technology is here to stay, it's called life.

Not sure why you where getting downmodded - that's an interesting observation.

Some people seem to have a way to express their disagreement with the 'down' vote instead of saying what is on their minds. It comes with the territory it seems.

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