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I didn't have very many permissions from my sysadmin to do inserts (I'm a BI guy) but I had create temporary table permissions. I needed to take about 5000 system ids with corresponding region identifiers from one system that I could only access via screen. So I wrote an auto hotkey script to screen scrap them all and place them into a notepad file. I then opened the notepad file with excel and added a column of

"union select " 233455 ", " "usa"

"union select " 233455 ", " "canada"

Then puttied into my linux shell, opened emacs and added "create temporary table select 23456 as 'systemid', 'usa' as 'region'

Then pasted the entire csv of union selects. Did my joins, etc... Got the report out on time. I know now that I could have done it with an emacs macro, but just didn't have time to figure it out.


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