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I was referring to the impression your writing (specifically the quoted sentence) conveys, (as I said, the rest of the post is well crafted) which is why I called it out. If I thought you were really pompous, I wouldn't spend the time or bandwidth. just think of it as purely subjective "tone check" feedback from a well wisher.

"Why am I so often the only responder who has a sense of right and wrong?" is a (relatively) off kilter question. Others do have a "sense of right and wrong". Whether that matches your "sense of right and wrong" exactly is a more subtle issue.

"If I thought you were really pompous, I wouldn't spend the time or bandwidth."

Neither would a prospective customer or investor. I'd just always wonder what happened. Fortunately, hn provides a good safe place to practice. Thanks for the lesson, plinkplonk.

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