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I wish I could be surprised by the ongoing hypocrisy of our UK politicians but ...

It's hilarious just how badly you can pick them...

Immigration minister resigns after hiring illegal immigrant cleaner http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/106261...

Communications director resigns after phone hacking scandal http://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/jan/21/andy-coulson-re...

I dunno, the Immigration minister there seems like he acted pretty well.

When he hired the cleaning lady, she showed proper documents and - if I'm reading this correctly - insisted she continued to have the right to work even when she didn't.

When he found out his mistake, he corrected it by letting her go and resigning.

Maybe the article's being too generous, but that seems like pretty above-the-board behaviour for what seems to be an honest mistake.

If I remember this correctly, I think he had just been actively accusing employers of not doing due diligence when hiring people and that ignorance was no excuse.

Then it turns out that he was doing the exact same thing...

Yes. He was in the process of passing legislation that doubled the fine for "lazy" employers that didn't fully check the immigration status of their employees.

Labour ex-ministers support paedophile pressure group? http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2014/feb/20/dail...

Remember that anti-gay republican who was caught having sex with a male prostitute in an airport bathroom?

Haters gonna hate (themselves).

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