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This reminds me of something that I think I first read about in Michio Kaku's book Physics of the Impossible where a Bose-Einstein condensate was used as a medium for "teleportation". I believe in his book he referred to the experiment referenced here. http://www.physorg.com/news102681027.html

They are careful to note that it is a transmission of information rather than photons. It sounds like this experiment is similar, but I am certainly not qualified to comment authoritatively on that.

It would make sense that teleportation (or perceived teleportation) would be possible from it, since all matter is is stored information. Now the question is if matter is the only way to store information aside from light. If this is so, then if you reduced an object or human to its light representation, you would be able to travel at the speed of light, but no faster, which would be perceived teleportation - I'm assuming teleportation is instantaneous whereas going the speed of light is not. Hopefully no one would slow you down in the meant time.

I think that what you've described is essentially the basis for the Australian "teleportation" idea. They distinguish it from quantum entanglement approaches which could theoretically (or not, depends on who you ask) transmit the information faster than light.

As described in the article linked the speed of the teleportation is limited by the speed of the signal beam which is necessarily capped at c.

Ah, good to know. I'm just now getting to the link.

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