I think that labelling the use of POROs as an "advanced technique" is simply wrong. How could it be? In fact it's simpler than implementing an AR callback (with more complexity behind the scenes than anything!)
You are using app/services and POROs in your own app? So are we. But I guarantee they don't look like yours because there is no endorsed convention.
Why not? Because Rails is still clinging to such an outdated idea as MVC? Pure MVC at a large scale is bullshit.
"Size of the application is rarely a factor". I don't agree. Size of the application is always a factor. A big factor.
What I'd like to see is the community embrace conventions outside the fabled "MVC" paradise. Rails is "convention over configuration", and is content to hold your hand for your first thousand lines of code... but then what?
You are using app/services and POROs in your own app? So are we. But I guarantee they don't look like yours because there is no endorsed convention.
Why not? Because Rails is still clinging to such an outdated idea as MVC? Pure MVC at a large scale is bullshit.
"Size of the application is rarely a factor". I don't agree. Size of the application is always a factor. A big factor.
What I'd like to see is the community embrace conventions outside the fabled "MVC" paradise. Rails is "convention over configuration", and is content to hold your hand for your first thousand lines of code... but then what?