Worse than the idea, the page removes the scroll bar, and activates some custom-made, super-slow smooth-scroll. (Which is the first thing I deactivate on a fresh Firefox install. I've never understood the appeal of smooth scroll on a desktop, where it makes scrolling with the mouse wheel a huge PITA...)
Edit: I just realized, it's a vertical carrousel, in its full glory with almost invisible next and prev buttons, and its 8x8 pixel navigation buttons. This summarizes pretty much everything that's wrong with modern web design.
> Which is the first thing I deactivate on a fresh Firefox install. I've never understood the appeal of smooth scroll on a desktop, where it makes scrolling with the mouse wheel a huge PITA
No it does not. It's MUCH better experience. Maybe firefox has a crappy implementation of it? I've been using smooth scroll for as long as I can remember (except on linux where it was slow) and it is really that much better. Jumping randomly and trying to figure out where you were? Better than naturally move the view? Really?
That being said, I agree with you that this site is broken. I can't use pg-up/down or home/end, yet the site acts as if it were a regular vertical page.
It's probably a subjective thing, like with font rendering using antialising/subpixel antialiasing. I personally can't stand "smooth" scrolling either, I'd describe it more as sluggish and blurry instead of snappy and sharp.
Edit: I just realized, it's a vertical carrousel, in its full glory with almost invisible next and prev buttons, and its 8x8 pixel navigation buttons. This summarizes pretty much everything that's wrong with modern web design.