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The Best of Python in 2013 (pypix.com)
133 points by aburan28 on March 3, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This list(and much of the commentary is just lifted from our(Pycoder's Weekly) newsletters and yearly project roundup issue.

You can check out the full 2013 roundup issue here: http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=9735795484d2e4c204da82a2...

Ugh, I really detest blog posts that only acknowledge in passing (at the end of the article) that someone else has done all of the work. This is literally just copy+pasted from entries in the newsletters.

Nice set of links, somewhat confused as to why they disappear in a super-fancy way when you hover over them though...

I laughed at the hard absurdity even though I read your comment beforehand.

Anyone know anything about codeq.io? As someone creating a similar service (https://landscape.io) I'd be interested to check it out but it seems to be down right now, and the Twitter account seems to have stopped last May.

check the waybackmachine ?

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