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Anatomy of a Feature (inessential.com)
30 points by joao on July 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I wish this article'd gotten a little more love around here. "I could write a script to do it in like 20 seconds" is a common thematic refrain around these parts when talking about adding new functionality or launching a site, and this article does a great job of breaking down most of the arguments for that sort of "I'll just..." thinking.

Well written. It shows well how difficult it can get to respond to user feedback: some suggestions sound super simple but the implications, the "what if"'s and the special cases add up very fast.

We had this exact issue this week and I'm not sure we found the best solution still.

great post, it takes courage and restraint to not gold-plate a feature, but instead to just do what is needed to make most of the people happy and get the feature out there and see what your customers really want with real user testing.

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