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IPhone Application Design Patterns (flyosity.com)
20 points by pclark on July 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Cool! About Collage: "... totally custom film strip interface and sliding, animating panels is some of the finest UI work you'll find in the App Store."

Collage was my first official SDK app. :) It evolved from an app I did during my iApp-a-Day project in the pre-SDK days. Nice to see someone notice it. Collage came from an era when no one was quite sure what kind of apps people would like on their iPhones. :) My latest iPhone project is http://www.rampchamp.com which is submitted and coming soon, hopefully.

Not a bad summary and it's nice to include the screenshots/examples of non-Apple apps, but here's a more formalized description of the three application styles: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/User...

Part 1 of the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines is a good read in general if you're an iPhone developer, and it isn't too long.

Those Tapbots apps are snazzy looking, but a bit overkill for unit conversion :) I think the workflow is less intuitive than maybe a table/nav-based design would be w/ picker wheels or some such. Anyway, the eye candy is getting in the way of an easy-to-use app.

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