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100% agree. The moment an idea is taken into someone's brain it is translated and distorted by their unique perspective.

That said, I feel like there's a certain point at which the interpretation goes from being unconsciously-manipulated to consciously-manipulated. For example, Roger Ailes presenting a narrative on a daily basis for Fox News personalities to play to is obviously a conscious manipulation.

Someday, there'll be a way some kind of biometric way to authenticate a put-forth idea as your brain's best attempt at neutral translation of an event (sort of like verifying a message is from you with PGP), but until then we'll have to rely on people being dumb and obvious in their manipulations a la Fox News.

The unconscious (often institutionalized) manipulation is the most "effective" anyway. See Manufacturing Consent for a good explanation of this if you're not familiar.

Even if we could produce a neutral translation of an event, biases still come into play though the selection of which events to cover and which to pass over.

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