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PostScript interpreter in JavaScript (logand.com)
30 points by fogus on July 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I would like to add in that it also works in the latest Safari (which the author forgot to mention)

Time to draw the tiger for me with Safari 4 was: 1.695 sec


  Safari4:    1.931 seconds
  Chrome:     3.2 seconds
  Firefox3.5: Rainbow spinner, 'unresponsive script" dialog, took about 20 seconds.
  Opera9.64:  19 seconds, didn't actually show tiger at the end :/
Not sure what's up with firefox, or opera. Safari is definitely winning the speed wars for me. Just needs to catch up with firebug a little more.

ff3.5 - Drawing took 34.206 seconds. 1.8Ghz P4

Took about 8 seconds in MobileSafari on an iPhone 3gs. (No self-reported time appeared.)

Did you try it in other browsers, just to compare? I get lower times in chrome (2.212 seconds) and firefox 3.5 (9.405 seconds).

Just curious to see if safari is really faster, or just you computer.

I own a macbook and just to be fair I tested it with chrome and FF3.5

FF35:19.503 sec

Chrome:2.881 sec

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