Uberspace is the best Option, you just need your own Domain.
Edit: I'll add an explanation. Uberspace ist a german hoster. It follows a pay what you want model (minimum: 1€) and practices data avoidance. For example, you can open an account and test it for a month, and then send money for that account to keep him, but you are never asked for your name.
I just use it for mails right now, but I could also host a webpage or something there. It's a full server.
The mailsystem has a nicely working roundcube-webinterface, one can of course also use IMAP. Without a custom domain the mailadress will look not very nice (but still work), but supporting a custom domain is very easy. It should ideally stay with a different domain registrar.
The whole administration interface is great - minimal on the webpage (though many things are possible to do there), and everything more complicated works via ssh.
you can host there, use ssh to do what ruby, node, python, php, perl, or what ever you wish, that does not need SU privileges, as it is a shared hosting model.
I am a customer for 24 month+ and am so unbelievable happy with these guys.
You have a question for their "support" at midnight (it is only these five guys and the do support themselves) and sometimes you get your answer at 2 o clock, because one of the guys was awake and just answered you.
These guys are nerds - and next to their business hosting wanted to build the perfect hosting for fellow nerds. Mission accomplished imho.
Just buy a domain and a small hosting plan that includes mail. I am using that setup for close to 10 years now and it is fantastic. I use all-inkl (hit me for my affiliate link if you want to sign up so I become rich) which are a high quality yet very affordable german host.
all-inkl has huge incompetencies when it comes to mail. Their servers end up on spam lists every 1-3 weeks. Effect: Your customers do not receive any more emails from you.
In addition if you inbox becomes larger than a specific size (1 GB is think) they will autoarchive your whole inbox to a folder... not nice if you have smart mail mailboxes
I've got confused by the definition of European over Wikipedia, "A citizen or attribute of or from the European Union[2]", but you're indeed right. I should know, as I live right under Switzerland :)
As was already said, any webhosting package with email will do. Here is a selection of hosters in Germany that I find have a clean website an pricing structure and therefore feel less cheap and more trustworthy to me.
Hetzner: One of the bigger provider for hosting in Germany. They have their own datacenters in Bavaria.
Manitu: Smaller, they also have their own datacenter.
schokokeks.org: Small service run by a few techies. I'm sure there are a few of this type, I just happen to know somebody who is very happy with them.
Speaking of small services run by a few techies: For what it's worth, I like bytecamp.net. I'm not affiliated with them, other than being a super happy customer for nearly 10 years :)
I'm using EUMX.net with large mailboxes and no problems so far. They seem to be quite a small company although very helpful when responding to email which they do with 24 hours.