"The amount of wealth controlled by top 1% in US stayed essentially the same for the last 100 years - about 1/3 (with some fluctuations, but roughly stayed around that). Some say US has an unusually high inequality, so if we take it as a top boundary, we can say that in the world top 1% controls no more than 1/3 of the wealth. Yet while one can say there are a lot of problems, no unimaginable horrors came out of it and society wasn't destroyed - on the contrary, life of virtually every person in all the strata of the society has become better."
I don't think that statistically follows - I've not done the math, but it reminds me quite a bit of Simpson's Paradox.
I don't think that statistically follows - I've not done the math, but it reminds me quite a bit of Simpson's Paradox.