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They should make Office free. These days, more and more non-techie friends are starting to use OpenOffice on their own. While OO quality is no where near Microsoft Office's, OO writer and Powerpoint are good enough for simple usage. And people, don't make fancy PP anymore. They just need something that can read ppt and something they can play.

They make so much money off office. We buy licenses for almost every person at the company just because there's no equivalent to excel. Only windows boxes in our office are the finance guys who can't adapt to excel on the Mac.

Excel for Mac is missing a bunch of features and is way less performant than Excel for Windows. I don't blame the guys.

Excel really has no equal, unfortunately.

Yup. Excel is the best IT requirement documentation tool, with its auto-filter and indentation (using columns)

Full traceability too. Just look at your emails in Outlook, and tie 'em all together.

You could almost say that it... excels.

did not laugh, 0/10 would not read again.

All you need now is the David Caruso sunglasses and the "YEAAAAAAAAAH".

Make it free for home/educational/personal use then, with liberal definitions of those terms, and keep on charging enterprises. Enterprise licensing is where the money is for a product like Office anyway, and those customers actually prefer having to pay for something over getting the same thing for free.

Meanwhile, all those people using the free version will be churning out lots of documents in Office file formats, adding to the value of having a copy of Office around. That in turn makes it more attractive to paying customers.

If the employer gives each employee a chromebook instead of a desktop, and tell each employee to get Office on their own, then the employer doesn't have to pay license fee for every employee. I imagine this can reduce the operation cost by a lot.

That would violate "for personal use".

How so? I can carry my laptop to my office and use my laptop instead. When I come home I get paged and my boss wants me to read a document. i wouldn't go back to my office just to open a document, would I? If I work for my dad's deli and I need to help him print a price tag I would be "working" for my dad and using my personal Office would violate the policy - but who would pay for a copy? I am self-employed and I use Office at home for both school, self-employed work and for personal use. Personal use is a very grey area - hence why personal edition has missing features.

IANAL but if you read the EULA:

    The service/software may not be used for commercial,
    non-profit, or revenue-generating activities.
While EULA do not always hold up in court I can't see a reason why this wouldn't hold up. What you should do is VPN into work to do something for your boss. Or even better have a enterprise licensed version on your laptop. Yes you are violating the policy when you work for your dad. Your example of a single, small user violating the EULA is far different than a corporation actively encouraging users to violate the EULA. You may not be worth suing but a company sure is.

TBH home/educational/personal use is probably perfectly suited by the office online suite being discussed here.

Otherwise I pay like $10 a month for the full office 365 suite, which is rather cheap.

Big companies still need the Office/Exchange combo and will pay handsomely for it. Maybe we'll see a decent consumer version for free, but Office in general will always be a major chunk of MSFT's revenue.

Add in Lync. After seeing a demo and getting our small office on Lync, I can't imagine going back to other crappy PBXes and their version of "Unified" communications/messaging. Most of them thing adding a toolbar to Outlook means it's a solved problem.

Being able to screen share, conference call, regular calling/transferring/etc. in addition to secure IM and all that - it's really slick.

We use Lync, and ya, if they made it lighter weight and removed the bugs it would be merely OK.

"Merely OK" is pretty damn good when everything else is "truly shitty"

I'm going to admit up front I'm probably hopelessly out of touch.

I used to buy office from like Word 2.0 up through Office 2007 or so but for the life of me I can't figure out why most people would need Office today. Like I said I'm out of touch but...

If I write docs for publication it's HTML.

If I write for correspondence it's email

If I write for product design it's probably a wiki. Something the entire team can edit.

I am in no way suggesting that people don't have legit uses for Office or OpenOffice. I am saying that I have not had a legit use for Office in 6+ years.

Those few times I need to make a sign for party or a few page letter Google docs works fine. Even presentations I've done in Google docs just fine. Spreadsheets work fine as well. They can even be scripted if you want to do crazy stuff.

Why would I want to install Open Office when I can access Google Docs from ANY machine, not just machines have have Open Office installed?

Especially the Hacker News crowd. Do you find you need Office or Open Office still?

Why would I want to install Open Office when I can access Google Docs from ANY machine, not just machines have have Open Office installed?

Much larger feature set.


Robustness and future-proofing.

Shall we go on?

Do you find you need Office or Open Office still?

Sure. I've never used word processors much for professional work, as I find different tools of one kind or another are usually a better choice for preparing any given documentation. But there is more to office suites than word processors. Spreadsheets, in particular, are still the most convenient tool for many administrative tasks.

I always find gnumeric to be plenty powerful for doing any spreadsheet stuffs I need to do. No I don't get fancy, just mess with columns and formulae and statistical analysis.

I use (Mac) Excel for a niche but handy purpose: as an editor tool for the game I'm building. Tabular data files for my game are stored in the (easily parsed) Excel 2004 XML format. There aren't really any similar, generalizable tools that are more modder-friendly and I'm not going to sit there writing YAML/JSON/XML to fill in stuff like "this wooden sword costs 10 coins" because there are vastly better things to be doing with my time.

I could use LibreOffice, as it supports Excel 2004 XML files, but Office is cheap enough and LibreOffice annoying enough that it's worth my time to just use the real thing rather than run the risk of a psychotic, gouge-my-eyes-out break from the still-horrible-in-2014 LibreOffice UX.

I posted something below but, I've used Excel for that purpose too but with Google docs multiple people can edit at the same time. I've used that feature quite a bit. It's easy to write a script to pull down the latest one.

If you're a tiny dev then yea, maybe Excel or OpenOffice, but as soon as your team gets bigger it seems like people are going to be waiting on each other to edit those excel files.

Google Docs requires an export step. This lives in git.

And Excel requires a save step. It also requires manually making sure 2 people don't edit the excel file because git won't be able to merge that changes. Google spreadsheets won't have that problem.

Maybe it's just me. Google Docs seems hard to work with, espeically for someone who grew up with MS Office :( I give it a try a lot, but I still can't do everything I want with Google Docs. On the other hands, MS Office online is more complete (well, no duh)...

and it isn't so much about privacy for me though. I am not a journalist; I don't have sensitive information I need to hide from others.


I can live without all of the rest. It's not only a great tool for my own use, but it's widespread enough to be a de facto standard.

Excel is a great tool for a developer.

For what purpose? I've used Excel in the past for developer things but with Google Docs everyone can edit at the same time. I've used that feature as well which AFAIK I don't get with Excel or Open Office.

The bigger the project the more likely multiple people will need to be able to edit the same file. It's easy to write a script to pull down the latest one.

Just a thought.

Some of the Microsoft Office suite have collaboration features (OneNote is good for this in my experience) I'm not sure about Excel

As a developer I've often used Excel for modelling algorithms, as a log analysis tool (everything from plotting filtered log entries over time to creating complex pivot tables/charts) as a mathematical scratch pad

Before twitter changed their auth protocol excel could be used as a pretty good twitter client[1], and it's still quite effective at web scraping

the list goes on...

[1] http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/02/05/twitter-from-excel/

Those features are all available on spreadsheets in google docs. I use google docs as a mathematical scratch pad all the time. It also does graphs and it can be scripted in JavaScript. One of my friends wrote a script that downloads all the latest stock data every few minutes and does a bunch of analysis on it.


I'm not suggesting you should give up Excel. Just pointing out the features you listed are available should you decide to take a look.

Yeah, right. Office is MS cash cow. If they charged a reasonable amount for monthly use, that would be good. Lets say, 1 dollar per month. 3 dollar for 4 users family pack. That would be great.

Not quite what you asked for, but there is a $100/yr or $10/mo plan for 5 people that also includes OneDrive storage and Skype minutes.


Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft

In an efficient market, in the long run, the price of a unit of software would approach the marginal cost of a unit of software.

I wonder how long it will be until essentially all software is free, and all the services are run more or less at cost (as the economists would put it, they can earn profits, just not economic profits). But in the long run, as they say, we're all dead ;)

That's only true in cases of perfect competition, which mainly obtains for commodities. Products with different features are examples of monopolistic competition, because different products are not automatic substitutes for each other.

I think you misunderstand a little. That's not the consequence of an efficient market, that's the definition of an efficient market. ANY market where the price of an item is higher than its marginal cost is an inefficient one. (The cost includes opportunity cost, though, so it's not like the widget factory needs to make zero accounting profit on the operation).

It's quite probable, of course, that software in the general case is prone to market inefficiencies, especially in the short run: there are high fixed costs associated with producing software. Yet extant software is so stupidly easy to copy that it's unthinkable that, thousands of years hence, things like WORD PROCESSORS will have a good reason for costing money. So how long will it take to get there?

I got a license for home use from my company for a one time payment of under $10.

So millions of people probably have a deal that's even better than what you're asking for.

Same here. But I don't even use it and default to LibreOffice all the time (I only use Linux nowadays).

Opposite case for me. In the past, anytime I had to use Libre/OpenOffice for more than 15 minutes made me feel like blowing my brains out.

Well I've never really liked the new UI paradigm in Office 2007 and beyond: it's just very messy to do even simple things. With LibreOffice there are certainly some UI issues as well, but it's closer to Office 2003 in terms of how things are organized.

I'll just say that design quality of presentations, especially for startups who need credibility, is extremely important. Powerpoint- while it doesn't do it for you- is the easiest way to look credible without doing all of your slides in Adobe software.

For internal company presentations, perhaps it doesn't make sense to do fancy powerpoints. But if you can't make a presentation that looks credible, it betrays confidence in your ability to deliver on a product/service that is legitimate.

In other words, salesmanship versus communication. See Tufte & al.

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