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Misread that as Postal 2 beta (with an "s"), even though Postal 2 for Linux on Steam has been around for a while now. RWS is planning a big update this year, too.

This is good, too, though. I might consider checking it out, though I'm hardly a gamer.

It's a really good game, that deserves it cult status. Go ahead, but try to play the first one before if you can.

Yes play the first one.. there's some really yummy cake at the end!

Portal is quite low-stress. It's a really fun puzzle solving game set in a great environment.

I'm not sure Portal qualifies as low-stress.

Viewed just in terms of gameplay, it's low-stress. You can pretty much always stop and think, very few puzzles are timed, very few puzzles come down to "twitch".

On the other hand the antagonist of the game is an abuser, and directs a steadily increasing stream of gaslighting and verbal/emotional/physical abuse at you as the game proceeds. Personally I find it over-the-top enough to just be funny, but YMMV

Right, exactly. There are not bad guys running around and shooting at you. You don't have to watch your health bar or manage an inventory. You can save whenever you want. It's easy to play for a short time and come back to it when you feel like it.

Oddly enough I did the exact opposite when they released Postal 2 for Linux.

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