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It's 30 separate applications to access what's effectively the same data type: documents on the WWW, some of which have an interactivity component.

Worse: each app has its own set of rules, capabilities, and/or disabilities in terms of sharing URLs, privacy permissions to be managed, update cycles, and the rest.

There's a reason we got URLs, HTTP, and HTML.

It's as if you needed to use a different viewer / reader application to read PDFs from different companies. Hell, my preference is to have one uniform reader which can handle text, PDF, GS, ePub, or whatever else comes rolling my way. Not quite there yet, though Calibre begins to unify the access (its native viewers are crap, however, and I've yet to figure out how to change its PDF viewer to something vaguely sane).

  > There's a reason we got URLs, HTTP, and HTML.
Ok, build those 30 apps with URLS, HTTP and HTML. Ok I will drop CSS into the bag. No javascript though.

Let's see the results.

Why? (the javascript restriction)

There's quite a lot of websites where the app is a mediocre replication of the website. Especially magazines.

Quite. Both counts.

Cool, you write me an android app without java and we can compare

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