The free market does not exist because the government stands in its way. To then go on to chide free market advocates for actions they do not support is disingenuous at best.
Businessmen are not interested in ideology, if they can use the government as a cudgel against their opponents, or a crutch to sustain them in hard times, they will.
Every time the government's power over the economy has been expanded, advocates of the free market have pointed this fact out and been ignored.
You can't break my spine and then blame me for being paralyzed.
At various places and times throughout history, conditions of a largely free market have existed. It is not a "unicorn pony" (isn't that redundant and/or contradictory?). However, such conditions do not exist in most of the world now, and I don't see anywhere praxeologist or myself claimed otherwise.
Pretty sure my spine is real. Perhaps you meant to unpack that analogy first?
The "free market" is simply what exists absent interference. It ceases to exist when a single player or group of players asserts force over the others. The purpose of government is to reduce the effectiveness of violence as a strategy.
Businessmen are not interested in ideology, if they can use the government as a cudgel against their opponents, or a crutch to sustain them in hard times, they will.
Every time the government's power over the economy has been expanded, advocates of the free market have pointed this fact out and been ignored.
You can't break my spine and then blame me for being paralyzed.