> It could be considered a hostile act against allies.
Come on. Nine EU countries are complicit in the warrantless wiretap/metadata collection scheme GHCQ is running here on behalf of the NSA. If the US is tapping an EU cable, it's just more data going in the same fetid pool. You can see how outraged the various EU governments are by how loud they have been about it. The only one who seems genuinely upset is Merkel, and mostly because the German secret services don't have the same technical abilities.
I don't know how genuinely angry Brazil is, but I would be extremely surprised if Brazilian intelligence didn't have a similar setup at home.
Come on. Nine EU countries are complicit in the warrantless wiretap/metadata collection scheme GHCQ is running here on behalf of the NSA. If the US is tapping an EU cable, it's just more data going in the same fetid pool. You can see how outraged the various EU governments are by how loud they have been about it. The only one who seems genuinely upset is Merkel, and mostly because the German secret services don't have the same technical abilities.
I don't know how genuinely angry Brazil is, but I would be extremely surprised if Brazilian intelligence didn't have a similar setup at home.