That's why I added 'abstract' it's not fixed, things move underneath but the abstract properties remain.
Funny about the rock thing, I never know what to make about them, I would need to add an 'adaptability' rule to my core ones.
DNA replication did not emerge from the early organisms. Before replication, we could investigate about DNA or prototypical forms of DNA as forms of variable input transformation. This kind of meta-encoding (sorry programmer POV leaking) of input tranformation is probably not the first minimum but pressure + time pushed the versatility needs up (again programmer POV).
I'm a programmer too, but also a physicist, and it's also hard for me to read through explanations/narratives that use a lot of metaphorical language. And there's a lot of that in evolutionary narratives.
Funny about the rock thing, I never know what to make about them, I would need to add an 'adaptability' rule to my core ones.
DNA replication did not emerge from the early organisms. Before replication, we could investigate about DNA or prototypical forms of DNA as forms of variable input transformation. This kind of meta-encoding (sorry programmer POV leaking) of input tranformation is probably not the first minimum but pressure + time pushed the versatility needs up (again programmer POV).