{arithmetic} | {vecops} = {Vector operations} {dotproduct} {arithmetic} | {RREF} = {Reduced row echelon form} {arithmetic} | {patience} | | {dotproduct} | | | {matrices} {Mops} = {Matrix operations} {Meqns} = {Matrix equations} {Mmult} = {Matrix multiplication} {Mdet} = {Determinants} {Minv} = {Matrix inverse} {y=mx+b} | {linear} = {Linearity} {plane} = {Lines and planes} {dotproduct} | {proj} = {Projections} {basis} = {Coordinate projections} {vectors} | {VS1} = {Vector spaces} {VS2} = {Abstract vector spaces} // knowledge buzz moment | | {dotproduct} | | {IPS} = {Abstract inner product spaces} {y=mx} | {Mmult} | | {function f:R->R} | | | {linT} = {Linear transformations} {VSRREF} = {Vector space techniques for matrices} {TasM} = {Finding matrix representations} {basis2} = {Change of basis for matrices} {Mmult} | {linT} | | {eigV} = {Eigenvalues and eigenvectors} {Mdecomp}= {Matrix decompositions} | {specM} = {Special types of matrices} {VS1} |{plane} ||{eigV} |||{linT} |||||{Meqns} ||||||{Mmult} ||||||||{Mdet} ||||||||| {invMthm} = {Invertible matrix theorem} {proj} | {GSorth} = {Gram--Schmidt orthogonalization} {RREF} | {LP} = {Linear programming} {Mmult} |{Meqn} ||{RREF} ||| {solve} = {Solving systems of equations} {LSaprx} = {Least squares approximate solution} {ML} = {Machine learning} {LAoverZ_q}= {Linear algebra over a finite field} ||| ||{ECCs} = {Error correcting codes} |{crypto} = {Cryptography} {netcode}= {Network coding} {trig} |{taylor} ||{AVS} |||{IPS} ||||| {fourier}= {Fourier series} {fourier} | {prob} = {Probability density} | | {LAoverC}= {Linear algebra with complex numbers} | | | {quantum}= {Quantum mechanics}