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I'm a little more skeptical. This guy worked hard, sure, but as he seems to be the only guy making out big, after scores of guys worked hard. Maybe he's not much of a hero.

I don't think anyone is denying the role of luck, but there is something to be said about not falling in love with 'making the start up scene' so to speak. For many people it is a colossal waste of time.

I am trying to reign in a co-founder right now (not surprisingly the only non-technical co-founder) that is just a goo-goo eyed about the scene and not our product and not what I think his main goal should be which is selling. I get breathless phone calls describing some lunch meeting with some formerly successful founder or wealthy investor who now wants to partner/might know someone to invest/just wants to chat about common goals or whatever. I don't care. We don't need funding. He is wasting time or worse. I've tolerated it because it keeps him enthusiastic (he really does beat the pavement fairly well and this obsession is fairly new) but it is starting to get a little overboard.

I think that is what avenger123 is saying: keep your feet on the ground, focus on the product, and ignore the scene bullshit. That takes some foresight and discipline.

Yeah, you are either fundraising, or you are not. If you are, then go have lunch with the wealthy investors. If not, don't bother, it is a waste of energy.

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