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Can they release the software to the world? Maybe, if we all make an effort to analyse whatever papers we can access, we will together make enough noise that it will be impossible to ignore, and also impossible to silence (cf. The Pirate Bay). This could be one of the most important advancements of science in the past few years.

This is great work, another fantasy of mine made reality and posted to HN!

Is their a tutorial for getting started with OSCAR? A "HOWTO" for analyzing a paper would make this program more accessible. If I could learn how to use it without spending too much time doing so, I would use it as tool for reviewing manuscripts. I would also like to use it on my own manuscripts to find mistakes.

I have a feature request: optical pattern recognition of mathematical formulas. It would be awesome to feed a program a pdf and have all of the mathematical formulas translated to LaTeX.

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