Hey, I'd like an invite too if it's not too much trouble. My email is in my profile as well.
EDIT: I see that if I were to get downvoted you would be punished in some way on lobste.rs? You may want to checkout my comment history and make sure it isn't likely to get you kicked off the site ;)
I was on that Reddit thread too. I wrote one even after the guy giving them out said you didn't really have to.
Thought about doing it here, but, this being HN, I'd probably start getting FizzBuzzes in something unreadable like Brainfuck or Perl, plus 20 other languages I've never heard of.
Reddit's so big and diverse, I don't know that I'd accept somebody into Lobsters just based on reddit history, but a decent HN history/karma seems good enough for me.
I realized I made the same mistake as spf13, but you took the time to find my email from one of links in my profile. I really appreciate the effort you took :)
I really wish HN would have tags, that's the killer feature of lobster for me (Someone posted http://newshack.io/ a while ago, which is an interface for HN with automatically generated tags, but I don't find it as good).
I've mixed feelings instead toward it being invite only - From one side, the fact that your account is something "precious" can encourage smart/intelligent discussions, and it's also hard for trolls/spammers to get in (and easier for the moderators to ban them permanently).
On the other side instead I like open communities, where the barrier to entry is very low (for example HN, or the always hated 4chan). Not that I can have a strong opinion about the lobster community, as I read it from time to time, but don't have an account on it.
I really like the way Lobsters works. It allows very interesting discussions without flaming or useless posts. However, it's also the reason why I can't join them, unfortunately. It'd be a joy to participate in such a community!
Judging by your comment history, I can't spot a reason not to risk sending an invitation. My email address is in my profile, ping me if you're interested.
The inviter needs to know your email address to send you an invite. I suggest just putting your email in your HN profile (https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=untothebreach). You can obfuscate it if you’re worried about harvesting. Or if you only want to share the address temporarily, for this thread, post it at https://onetimesecret.com/.
You comments seem fine, so I would invite you if I knew your email address.
If you can, can you invite me to lobste.rs? It seems like a community that I would be proud to be a part of. Thanks in advance. You can invite me through ygtckr()gmail.com
I can invite interested people to lobste.rs. Need your email for it.
"Invitations are unlimited, but persons you invite will be associated with your account in the user tree and you may be responsible for them if they cause problems. Please use your discretion when inviting persons you don't personally know."
I believe the idea is that people get in by invitation; if a member ends up being a problem (i.e. gets down-voted too often or something) then not only are they booted but so is the person who invited them.
This being the case, people need to exercise some care before sending an invite since that person's behavior will be reflected back on them.
It's an interesting approach to growing a community.
> then not only are they booted but so is the person who invited them.
I understand why this was put in place there but that's the reason I don't really invite others. I have no way of knowing whether he or she will be down-voted.
Still, it's better to get kicked out and know that, than being shadow-banned and not knowing what attracted that.
I actually bookmarked your post on vi mode in bash a couple of months ago. That'll do as proof you're worthy. :-)
My email address is listed in my profile. Ping me for an invite.