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Ask HN: What is your development setup?
39 points by geekam on Feb 16, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 84 comments
I was wondering what do folks use here these days. I am interested in knowing almost everything (from desks, chairs to software) that you use for building your products and achieving your goals. That is, your entire setup.

Also, if you could change one thing, what might that be?

Examples of some areas of input -

* PC/Laptop specs * OS * Major languages * Source version control * Editor(s) (with Plugins) * Servers, if any etc.

Circumstance: Traveling and working remotely for startup since I had to leave the US thanks to H1B visa lottery miss. Miss a cushy well-curated work environment, but the novelty of working in different parts of the world is interesting.

Software: Developing with Java+ADT/C#+Unity3D/Sublime3/Github. Test devices Nexus5 + 7 (KitKat). Google Hangouts for team-meetings/human interaction.

Hardware: MBA 13" 2013. Sometimes use Logitech G5 mouse. Sometimes the 22"Samsung external.

Edit: Tethered/hotspot-ified internet from the mobile carrier most likely to give me semi-reliable+cheap 3G on my Nexus5. Which is really not very reliable here in south India (BSNL).

Ergonomics: Fashioned a standing desk by putting a solid (brick-like) footstool on tiny desk in my parents' house. Perfect height. External monitor on a shelf next to the desk.

Geographic Location: Currently in tropical Kochi, south India, going to travel slowly to Singapore soon.

PS: Miss my i7/16GB RAM/GTX460/1900x1200 26"/CMStorm Quickfire desktop machine that I use for most of my sideprojects (art and gamedev). Left at my first travel stop out of the US =(

I mostly work remotely out of my house in the mountains, although I did work onsite for four months last fall which was fun (that was at Google). I like to meet my customers in person, but do most work in the comfort of my home with no commuting time lost. I really like it when customers travel to work with me out of my home.

Home office: MacBook Air with large external monitor. I have a very nice teak desk and an ergonomic chair. I don't use my office very often, perhaps 10% of my working time.

Home and on travel: MacBook Air, with a few lap desk alternatives I switch between.

I have five locations in our house and outside on our deck where I like to work. I find that switching working locations is pleasant to do, and provides a change.

Software: I use IntelliJ for: Clojure, Java, JavaScript, and Ruby development. I use Emacs for Haskell and Clojure development.

Parrot: of all the species of parrots available to augment my work environment, I chose a Meyer's Parrot. For ten years (so far) he has been a pleasant addition to my working environment. (As is my wife :-)

Thinking time: no computer and a yellow pad of paper and a comfortable pen.

I have a lifestyle business (consulting work and I always have a book project) that I spend about 25 hours a week on, averaged over the last ten years.

edit: missed something important: I use VPNs from Rimuhosting and Digital Ocean, lots of AWS services, and occasionally AppEngine. I spend a lot of time in remote SSH shells.

+1 for Digital Ocean, the $5 droplet is fast enough for most of what I do. And if you haven't tried Mosh recently I'd recommend it, it's a lifesaver when I get caught in a coffee shop with spotty wifi.

What mountains? I live in southeast AK, and I love the mix of tech work at home, and good outings in the wilderness, completely detached from the tech world.

I live in Sedona Arizona. Do a Google image search :-)

>>Software: I use IntelliJ for: Clojure, Java, JavaScript, and Ruby development.

I had no clue IntelliJ supports all of that!

Thanks for sharing Mr. Watson.

Asus Zenbook UX31A (i7, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD), FreeBSD 9.2, C/Python/Java, svn, vim/Eclipse (no plugins)

I'm a dwm user. I usually have tmux with two sessions side-by-side in one dwm window and Eclipse in another dwm window (if I'm doing something Java related that day) and chrome in another dwm window.

I like the Zenbook.

I was just looking at Asus Zenbook UX31A comparing it to MacBook Pro. It is a nice machine and practically half the weight of MBP.

I have no idea what "dwm" is, though.

dynamic window manager http://dwm.suckless.org/

Custom 'ultraquiet' box with: 32GB, i7, SSD as primary/active projects disk, backups/cold storage on spinning raid 1, key things backing to cloud, plus external drive for cold backups.

Monitors: 2x24" IPS dells vertical, with 30" dell IPS horizontal in center.

And of course a Das Keyboard for the hands and a HM Aeron rescued for $175 from a dead '99 internet startup!

I found this setup to be perfect for two-up windows of code plus email/browser for reference, plus output of what im doing.

Most of time is spent in python/web. Also lots of manual (excel) data analysis, visual studio, and db-related things.

For travel, an old-ish 11" MBA, which I absolutely love.

Aside from the monitors, the setup is actually a lot cheaper than one might think - e.g. raided HHDs, video card, etc are all reused from old machines, 24" monitors are 7 and 4 years old, respectively, etc.

Replying to myself, but for those who haven't tried Python Tools for Visual Studio - http://pytools.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=PTVS%20Installati... - take a hard look at it. Once you get it working (which is a bit annoying with flask), its a beauty for debugging complex object mutation/state problems, etc

Thanks for mentioning the "Python Tools for Visual Studio". We are working to establish Django+Python environments and needed suggestions for good IDE's since majority of the devs are on Windows.

How do you compare Python Tools for Visual Studio to PyCharm?

We piloted PyCharm at work (500+ python devs) but found VS to be an easier ide to write specialized extensions for - e.g. custom source control, workflow tools, etc.

Nothing beats the quickness of sublimetext, but when you're hunting after more complex gremlins or doing remote process debugging, a good IDE is key.

I also met PTVS guys at last PyCon and they are very approachable.

>>Monitors: 2x24" IPS dells vertical, with 30" dell IPS horizontal in center.

This setup requires a huge desk or system to hold it, doesn't it?

Actually, its all sitting on top of a 46"x23" inch crappy IKEA VITA desk. Stands for side monitors hang off the desk by about an inch on each side but its not bad at all :) A better desk is definitely something I've got in planning stages...

Work: Home built standing desk, Kensington Trackball w/scrollwheel, MS Ergonomic 4000 keyboard, second el cheapo screen, iMac 27" (2008), Mavericks. Latest Vim, git, and virtualbox. Virtualbox machines all provisioned w/ ansible, and simply rolled back manually rather than futzing around with anything more complex.

Home: Second hand ikea desk, Samsung chromebook running Chrubuntu/awesomewm. TypeMatrix Keyboard, wowpen-joy vertical mouse. latest vim. git.

Mostly all coding in python/flask. Also plenty of BASH, JS, and the usual HTML/CSS.

At home, I'd really like a more powerful computer & bigger screen. One day. Perhaps soon.

At work, I'd really like a TypeMatrix Keyboard, or a TruelyErgonomic (Or Kinesis Advantage...).

At home and work, I'm using the 'Workman' keyboard layout.

Hardware: Mac Air 13'' with 27-inch Thunderbolt Display, WASD keyboard (love it!), Magic mouse, Beyerdynamic DT 770 headphones.

Software: Sublime Text for code and blog posts. Vagrant with Virtualbox/VMWare Fusion for local VMS with Ubuntu 12.04/Debian Squeeze. Python, JavaScript and lately Go. Github for repos.

Servers: AWS at work, Digital Ocean/AWS at home.

Location: Stockholm.

Other things: Cheap IKEA desk/bad chair at home, cheap IKEA desk/better chair at work, Spotify, 1Password, Dropbox, Skype, Hangouts. Screenhero for remote-debugging customers.

Like to have: A better chair, I'm starting to feel the pain.

Work: Macbook Pro, 15" retina, 2.7Ghz i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD. Home: i7 3770k@4ghz, 16GB RAM, 2x GTX 670, 512GB SSD, 7TB hdd

Monitors: 2x 27" Dell IPS for work and 1x 24" TN, 2x 17" at home.

OS: Everything.

Keyboard: Kinesis Advantage Pro at work, Ducky Shine I at home.

SVC: git. :)

Editors: vim, with my vim config found here: https://github.com/wridgers/vimto

Env: Virtual machines (VirtualBox) managed by Vagrant and Chef.

So you have a PC at home? Those Dell LED monitors are really nice.

Also, one of those 27" Dell monitors is in portrait and the other landscape. Perfect for coding. Love them!

Yup. I tend to use my home PC for gaming and development on personal projects.

PC specs: anything which can run ssh and is at hand when I need it

OS: Any Unix/Linux will do

Source/Version Control: Whatever is used where I have to do some work

Editors: vi(m), no plugins

At the end of the day, I really only need some ssh, screen, a halfway decent shell, any versioning and a vi.

Also: Pen and paper to take notes and ANY simple GUI to run a browser is appreciated.

If I can have it, I'll take it all in UTF-8, please. :)

Main Development Hardware: * i7-3930 @ 3.2 GHz/16 GB Ram/240 GB SSD/1 TB HD * NVidia GeForce GTX 680 (For CUDA programming) * 24" 1900x1200 Dell monitor on LCD Arm * Quickfire Keyboard * KVM Switch (for linux/mac secondary systems)

Software: * emacs (in evil mode/development wiki in org-mode) * zsh/tmux/git/cmake * 99% of time programming C++. Compilers: Visual Studio 2013 (main)/Clang (secondary)/gcc (secondary) * Windows 7 (main)/Linux (secondarily)/Mac (secondarily)

If I could change one thing? Faster compile times!!!! Anything that would improve turnaround time would be a huge productivity boost for me. I still think C++ is the right language for my project (vision related), but sometimes I dream about using a language with blazing fast compiles.

>I still think C++ is the right language for my project (vision related)

Interesting. What is the advantage to C++ in the context of CV that outweights the long compile time for you?

1) Easy access to good vision libraries (in particular OpenCV and ITK)

2) Fairly easy to parallize algorithms w/ OpenMP or Intel's TBB.

3) Compilers (well, Intel C++ anyway) are good at vectorizing code.

4) No garbage collection. I can work with fairly large images and I don't worry about g.c. (This may be a conservative hangup of mine. As of a couple years ago anyway g.c. would run out of memory when crunching though a set of large images).

5) Decent GUI libraries for cross platform interactive GUIs (wxwidgets and QT in particular).

(And, to be honest, it's also the language I know best and I'm most comfortable in).

Hardware: i5 + 32 GB of RAM and SSD drive. 24" monitor

IDE: Vim, bash, tmux; I have started using Qt Creator when I do Qt projects and I actually like it.

Production: traditionally AWS but experimenting with Digital Ocean.

Major languages: Python, C, and JavaScript (some C++ with Qt) but also experimenting with Go, D, and Dart

Two vertical 27" displays on a Dell workstation running Ubuntu x64. Vertical is a great setup if you primarily read code and reference materials. Four virtual screens are mapped on those, the primary being a browser on one display, and fullsize terminal window on the other.

A dedicated development server box running several chrooted systems in a tmux session on Ubuntu x64. I'm in embedded and need to use toolchains of different vintage for legacy products, some available only in x32 flavors with library requirements from GWB 1st term era. The box handles my Hg repos which are backed up nightly to tapes in two company branches.

A Dell 13" laptop with Windows, mainly for company's time reporting system which is Windows only, and for occasional travel.

Macbook Air running OSX 10.9. Git through Bitbucket/SourceTree Webfaction for servers (MySQL) Python and Django.

At home I have a desk stuck in one end of the kitchen with 2x22" monitors and a 19" widescreen, ergo keyboard and mouse, which is for 'serious' dev sessions (or where I"m troubleshooting.)

Main IDE is AptanaStudio3, as it was literally the first 'proper' IDE I could get to work/make sense on the mac.

If I could change one thing? Have a machine I didn't need to plug in (2x USB, power, 2x monitors) everytime I sat down to use it - can't I just have a desktop and laptop that sync perfectly? No? Oh well.

Self built pc (E8400, 8GB, 128GB SSD) which I will upgrade in the next year or so. Two 24" monitors, thinking about upgrading to two 27".

Windows host, running VirtualBox images with Linux Mint. I run several images, each major project in a separate VM.

Almost 100% Clojure development.

SVC: Git mainly.

Editor: Eclipse + Counterclockwise.

For services, I use mostly Heroku and Github.

The best improvement I had in the last years was to buy a corner desk (such as this http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/60251335/ ) instead of a regular desk. It's miles ahead in comfort.

A Dell Inspiron, Intel i5, 4 GB RAM with 1TB worth of disk space. I run Windows 8.1 Pro - love the clean look. I use Vagrant for coding - got different boxes for the different projects I work on. 2-3 boxes for coding on Flask(Python), Docker(Go) and various computational math tools(Numpy, Scipy, Octave, Sage, Julia, R, F#, Haskell) for MathHarbor, one box for some consulting gigs using Rails, and another for hacking on IPython. Use Git for VC. Sublime Text 3 is my editor of choice, but I don't use any plugins, for now.

If I could change one thing..that'd be the machine itself. Would love a Macbook.

Hardware: Late 2013 iMac 27", 3.5/32/512, and Thunderbolt Display. Early 2013 rMBP 15", 2.7/16/512. On my desk, Apple Wireless, Magic Trackpad and Mouse, use Synergy so I can use the one set between both computers. Audioengine A2+ speakers. Polycom IP phone

Desk: Ikea Galant.

Software: Git (work) and Mercurial. Rails (work) and Python. PyCharm, Sublime Text 3.

Servers: FreeNAS with 12TB of storage, i7 950/24GB/2TB as a Docker host. Production environment is Rackspace Cloud and Amazon S3.

4GB ram, i5 CPU, 120GB SSD, 15" + 19" monitors with Ubuntu 12.04

Python (and XML, alas)

Bazaar, Eclipse with PyDev, Vim. Awesome as a WM. Google Apps for chat, email and calendar. rxvt-unicode as the terminal, zsh as the shell.

Servers: Ubuntu 12.04, Nginx, custom Python app server, Passenger for a third-party Rails app. Ansible for deployment, Upstart for process management.

Oh, indispensable: redshift[1], particularly in the winter.

[1] http://jonls.dk/redshift/

Redshift is wonderful. Came from OS X and couldn't get f.lux to properly work on Ubuntu 13.10 in the first few days and Redshift was what saved me from switching back. Once you live with it, you can't live without it.

* Macbook Air Late 2013 (13", i7, 8 GB RAM, 128 GB HD + external USB3 HD) * Mac OS, on rare occasions for fun, Plan9 * Emacs, with a relatively large assortment of plugins (specially evil and gnus), occasionally Acme * Mercurial for work, git for personal stuff * Go, JavaScript, C, R, Lisp, Awk, Python, and lately playing with APL * Any chair that supports me and any desktop that is not very high

    * retina macbook pro
    * topre keyboard (http://elitekeyboards.com/products.php?sub=topre_keyboards,rf104&pid=xf01t0)
    * 27" Monoprice monitor (http://www.monoprice.com/Product?p_id=10509&seq=1&format=2)
    * Apple magic trackpad
    * Linode running Archlinux
    * iTerm2
    * vim

Surface Pro 2 (256GB SSD, 8GB RAM)

2 x 1920x1080 monitors (one via displaylink, other via USB) + Surface Pro screen

Windows 8.1

Virtual Box running:

- Ubuntu

- Apache or Nginx (depending on project)

- PHP or Node.js (depending on project)

- MySQL, MongoDB, Redis (depending on project)

- Samba network share

PhpStorm (running in Windows to Samba) & vi in Ubuntu

MySQL Workbench & MongoVue

Node with Less compiler



Amazon EC2, S3 & RDS



Experimenting with Cloud 9 for Node & PHP projects

If there was one thing I would change, it's hiring someone and delegating. I'm the bottleneck now, not my tools.

How are you getting on with that? I do similar stuff, and love the idea of just docking in a tablet rather than a full laptop. I assume battery drops pretty quickly while running VMs?

I absolutely love it! I now use it over my rather powerful i7 laptop (24GB RAM, etc) and haven't noticed any performance bottlenecks as of yet (the SSD really helps with that). Best of all, it's dead quiet and doesn't really get that hot (unless you play games).

I do love however that my laptop bag has gone from weight a tonne to something I can lift with my little finger. The bonus is the wacom pen, touch input and well, it having the potential of a tablet.

Edit: You can get quite a few hours out of it battery wise. But I generally have it plugged in when I'm doing real development work.

Hardware: 13" Macbook Air(2012), Samsung 21" monitor, Apple bluetooth keyboard and trackpad

Software: XCode, Coda2, TotalTerminal, bitbucket, github

Server: Parse, DigitalOcean

Ergonomics: Yet to buy a ergonomic chair and standing desk. Currently using a normal a chair with wheels and placed a bunch of boxes on the table for standing desk (temp solution)

16Gb Ram, i7 processor, 512GB SSD, Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, git, sublimetext, nginx, vagrant, grunt, npm (+more)

Macbook Pro 15in i7, 16 GB RAM. and and iMac 27inch i7 OSX Mavericks Mostly Python, Javascript, PHP Git Sublime Text or VIM w/ tmux (too many plugins for both to share). Also occasionally Transmit app for remote file managing VMware for virtual machines (usually ubuntu dev)

Hardware: System76 Galago UltraPro w/ 8 gigs of memory and 500gb Samsung SSD.

Keyboard: SteelSeries 6GV2 (Cherry MX Red switches)

OS: Arch Linux

WM: XMonad

Terminal: Sakura with Tmux

Editor: vim

SVC: git

major languages: Racket, Haskell, Scheme, Python, JavaScript

Chair/table: varies quite a bit based on location

I need to get a nice monitor that has an hdmi input, this laptop is new and I used a VGA output on my old one.

32 GB RAM, i7, 160 GB SSD plus many TB of spinning disks, dual 22" screens. Ubuntu 13.04 with i3wm, a low profile keyboard with a touchpad in front (Logitech K310 and T650). PHP, Javascript, Java, Go. Git. Vim with solarized.vim. Digital Ocean, Linode, AWS.

Dell dual xenon CPU, 12 gb ram, dual 27" monitors + 1 20" third, dual graphic cards * on win 8.1 / Mac OSX * c#, JavaScript, ms and pl SQL, lucene, Go * SVN and GIT * visual studio, textastic, webstorm * 2 win server 2008 and one unbuntu server.

I've been using the I3 window manager with Xubuntu for over a year now and have really grown to like it. Definitely worth checking on if your looking for a keyboard driven WM. http://i3wm.org

i3wm is amazing. The documentation is awesome and config files are in plaintext. Believe it or not, that's a selling point for minimal window managers.

I had a look at a bunch of other wm's and some common themes I found were that configuration files were in a programming language and documentation was "the mailing list and irc". If I had to learn a new language or have an irc chat room open for every piece of software on my machine, I would never get anything done.

Retina Macbook Pro - Objective-C/Javascript - Git - Xcode/Sublime2 - Parse/Firebase

If I could investigate one thing it would probably be an external display but I haven't found anything thats retina and affordable.

>> but I haven't found anything thats retina and affordable.

Not even those high-end LED backlit monitors? What about Apple's own cinema displays?

I'm the same, no retina support yet unfortuantely

Core2Quad 3Ghz Hackintosh + 2x 24inch Dell 1920x1200 + Macbook Air 11

OSX Mavericks, Jetbrains IDE + Sublime Text, git, vagrant, Sourcetree, Chrome/Firefox, SequelPro, Dropbox, Google Drive/Mail

* No name Intel Core 2 Duo ~2GHz, 8GB RAM, 100GB & 500GB 7200RPM fixed disks, 25" & 19" monitors, Microsoft 4000 keyboard

* Windows 7 Pro

* C#, SQL, JavaScript

* SVN, Git

* Visual Studio 2013, Textpad, Notepad++, SQL Server Manager

As a bonus entry

* Beyond Compare

13" Macbook pro 4gb ram/256 SSD, usually with 24 inch LCD attached. Eclipse for Java/Android. XCode for iOS. Sublime Text for everything else (Python mostly).

Refurbished 8Gb i7 Dell, Ubuntu, PHP, git, vim. AWS

If I could change one thing I would probably move to an IDE that does everything for you, however that is a toolset to learn and pay for.

That's a very interesting article. I'm definitely eyeing that monitor now!

hp Elitebook 8540w || i7 || 16 GB ram || 2 SSD 256 || Arch/ ubuntu / windows 8 || python, ruby, javascript, npm || git, vim and sublime,

Go the rMBP page. Max out all the settings. Buy that. Keep for a few years. Repeat.

Runs anything, has a high resale value, and can drive tons of external displays

MacBook Pro, 13", Late 2011. Basic model (no upgrades done), 4 GB, 500 GB HDD, i5

OS X Mountain Lion (Mavericks won't install for some weird reason)

Python, HTML, CSS, JS, C

Sublime Text 2

I never understood how can one write anything on 13" screen.

While I understand and agree it's easier and more productive to work on a large screen, I feel there are advantages to the smaller screen size.

The primary is that it forces you to keep information in your working memory. So you'll either improve your mental capacity, or use better abstractions and architectures to be able to hold them in your working memory.

But once you accomplish that, it is more comfortable to go back to the bigger display :)

If its only code I dont feel any productivity difference between my laptops 13 inch screen and the 24 inch at work.

If I am doing GUI design or flowchart based programming I am not as productive when I use the small screen.

I do almost all of my work on a 13" MBA. Works out fine. I do have a very large monitor that I can use as needed though. Except for Java, I use terse programming languages, so functions/methods are short, and I don't need to look at a ton of code at any given time. A few small edit windows open and visible does it for me (mostly tear off windows from IntelliJ).

vim, tmux.

Computer: 2011 MacBook Pro

OS: OSX Mavericks

Package Manager: brew

SCM: git

Main languages: Ruby, Coffeescript, Clojure (for fun)

Editor: Sublime Text 2, vim for server work

Typeface: Inconsolata-g

Chair: Herman Miller Aeron

I have a feeling that all of these things are extremely common.

PC, self assembled, GTX-780, core i7, 8gb ram, ssd

OS: Ubuntu 13.04

SVC: git/hg

Editor: vim on a terminal, dark background picture, alpha blended text.

Plugins: syntax highlighting for glsl and coffeescript

16GB RAM, i7 CPU, SSD MacBook Pro, monitor+mouse+ketboard at the office Java Git Eclipse(Maven, Android, Checkstyle) DigitalOcean

I5 , 8G RAM, 120SSD + 3TB HDD Win 8.1 plus VMs (Ubuntu, Arch) C#, PHP, Javascript, Java Git Notepad++ 2 local raspberry Pis

8gb thinkpad t430s w/ 128gb ssd Django, python Emacs Rackspace cloud servers

If I had more space, I would add an external monitor.

Hardware: 2013 Retina MacBook Pro

OS: Mavericks

SVC: Git

Editor: Emacs

Browser: elinks

Package Managers: NPM, Brew

Languages: JavaScript, Clojure, Scheme

Server: Heroku

Alienware m11xR2, windows 8.1/scientific Linux, Emacs, Python, Visual Studio 2010 C++, Boost, svn, php, perl

>> scientific Linux

That's a very interesting choice. Do you mind mentioning if you do belong to one those organizations that I thought (as a kid and still do) I'll work for.

I just chose it because our client uses RHEL and I was curious. Could have just as easily chosen CentOS. Sorry if that disappoints, but hopefully you'll get to work for whatever organization you're thinking of :)

6GB ram, i7 processor, 32GB cache ssd, fedora core 19, 24" monitor, 13" monitor, gedit, gcc

Executive chair, L desk

MacBookPro 13" Retina. 16Gb RAM. 1GB SSD. 2.8Ghz i7 IntelliJ IDEA. Sublime Text. VMWare Fusion. Git.

MAC Pro with OSx Mavericks, 8GB RAM, 500GB Sublime Text, Nginx, Docker, node.js/meteor.js

Home: MBA 13" in couch. Back pain iOS devopment in Xcode. Backend stuff in Flask and AWS

i7 3770K, 16GB RAM, 120GB SSD, few TB of storage Hackintosh. OS X Mavericks. 30" Apple (2560x1600) + 2x24" (1920x1200). Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript. Git. IntelliJ, Sublime Text. Debian server. Also a 15" MacBook Pro.

8gb ram, i5 2x 21" monitor, windows7, sublime text, nodejs and Digitalocean vps

ThinkPad X230 * Ubuntu * Python, Java, JavaScript * git * VIM, Android Studio

macbook pro 2013 4gb ram and an Intel Core i5?, this is at home.

at work I have a Toshiba Qosmio 17" with an i7, ssd and 8gb ram, they will be exchanging it for a macbook pro retina this year.

Asus x201e

2gb ram

dual core celeron

5400 rpm 500gb hdd








lenovo t520

i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz


8 gb ram

ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Python Python





Eventually, I hope to purchase an adjustable standing desk

4GB of RAM on a 6-core Intel chip; vim (ctrlp, nerdtree, tagbar, YouCompleteMe, syntastic, emmet, floobits, a bunch of other pathogen plugins; @see usevim.com), git, tmux; no windows; npm (Express usually), grunt, bower, Python for miscellaneous scripting.

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