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>Python has proven that a successful dynamic language should have duck-typing, via what called late-binding. You perform lookups on a live object.

It has proven nothing of the short. For one, other languages have done it before (and much better, like Smalltalk). Second, it's not something that, in Python's implementation, makes it particularly suited or pleasant for large codebases.

>e.g) to use our SessionInterface, your custom session has to provide get_session and save_sesion methods.

So, relegate work that the computer can do to the programmer. Make him do tedious and error-prone housekeeping.

The rest of the comment reads like a teenager's attempt at sounding like "cool" and in the know. Things line "JavaicMentalMasturbationBase", "create a sub-par language and name it after Java", "Java idiots" and the like.

I assure you that there are Java developers who run circles around whatever your coding skills are. And from your description you don't sound that good at Python either.

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