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"to serve debt you have to create more" This is actually a well known fact.

"creating more debt is incompatible with a capitalistic system" Wrong. It is the basis of the capitalistic system.

"because someone has to take the other side of the trade' Yes. All debts have corresponding claims.

"A rational creditor wouldn't loan more debt and this is why the PIIGS don't get money on the bond market anymore." The game may have come to an end already. The only thing that delays a "jubilee" is the state as the lender of last resort. It is the last thing that will fail but it will fail. A "jubilee" is only a mid-term solution. The underlying problems (limited energy, exponential growing interest, debt based economy) may not be solved. We are running into a trap at a very fast speed. Even things like thorium reactors or fusion can only delay the sun set.

"Therefore the CBs have to "print" the money or take it" It does not make a difference for the problems if you use FIAT money or an asset based currency.

" from somewhere else (ESM, OMT, QE ...) but none of these measures is voluntary but instead forced." You may think a gold based currency may prevent this problems. We may only have collapsed faster (small collapse, "jubilee", not the big collapse).

"Therefore we have no capitalistic system but planned" yes we do have one. And we had a very good time with it. Unfortunately capitalism needs growth. And only madman and economists believe in infinite growth in a finite world.

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