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if you're a child of the 80s you'll also recognize:


They showed this on the UK tv programme "Tomorrow's World". The person receiving the haircut was distressed at the results.

TW was great because they demod the tech live and it often failed. Watching someone Getting a terrible haircut, live on tv, and being visibly upset by it was interesting.

I've actually used one of these once. Once.

If I cared that little about how my hair looks, I'd just get some clippers.

I thought Flowbee was just clippers - the thing I hate most about cutting hair is the hair getting everywhere, especially short clippings. That's exactly the pain point being addressed with vacuum haircutting isn't it.

The vacuum also provides suction to pull the hair straight, I think. Notice how a barber pulls your hair out straight with a comb to see the length while cutting? The suction gets you that service.

The one that was used on me was set to do a 2" cut or something. It looked way worse than what you'd get with regular clippers set closer to the head.

I still cut my hair with a Flowbee! First thing I thought of after reading this section.

"The results are a refreshing vacuum haircut."

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